
It's not just about bikes

Whilst still only a fledgling event, last year’s Classic Bike Festival left no doubt with the thousands who attended that this has to be a permanent fixture in the summer diary. Described by many as a biking event with a Festival feel, entertainment has proven an integral part of the weekend.

Live Music

Previous attendees will know that most arrive on the Friday night to park up for the weekend with their tent, caravan or motorhome and then it’s straight over to the marquee to enjoy the musical offering.


This year’s guest act on the Friday is the legendary DAVY K PROJECT.Prepare to be transported to the heart of blues-infused rock with Davy K as the lead vocalist and lead guitarist, Davy K channels raw emotion into every note he plays and every lyric he sings. His searing guitar solos and soulful, gravelly vocals tell stories that cut to the core and all the time complemented by his superbly talented band.


Saturday night’s band BAD MEDICINE are from close on a hundred miles away and can’t wait to make the journey.“Band spokesman Dee Doherty enthuses “we know
the CBF and it’s exactly our sort of event and we’re delighted to have been asked”. Expect a mix of rock classics and a lot of air guitar in the audience.


Holding the event together is BRIAN MOORE who acts as DJ, Compere and Stage Manager.Having DJ’d at every major event and venue in the country he’s also delighted to return to the CBF and describes it as “one big long party……I love the crowd at this event, you’ve got families, singletons, dedicated bikers and those just along for the craic…..it’s a perfect mix for a great weekend”.

This year there’s also a charity element to the
proceedings with the opportunity to support the Air Ambulance and/or the
Injured Riders’ Welfare Fund.